Thursday, April 27, 2017

4/26/17- My website

No i have never created a website before! For this project i have selected weebly to use because it seems like a very friendly nice web site that will be very easy to use! I think i will make my website about choir! in choir i participate in classy ladies, choir and the musical and i love it a lot! Ill talk about what we do and upcoming events and how much fun it is! Choir is the one of the main activity's i par take in and it takes up a very significant amount of my time so of course my website will be about that.


  1. I love how you incorporated both Choir pictures and pictures about BVHS. I also thought it was really cool how you linked the actual BVHS Choir Shutterfly to your website! Also really loved the color scheme and how it related to your topic :)

  2. I like how you can view the recent posts and pictures posted through our website.

  3. Love your topic! So informative, I know so much about choir now that I feel like I've been in in for four years! ;) Very well put together. Stunning work as always, Carlie!

  4. Your site is very organized looking with the colors and pictures and I love how you included the shutterfly as well

  5. your website is very cool and organized, i was a creative topic

  6. It was a very good website and was very easy to use.

  7. Your website is really cool and has a lot of great pictures

  8. I like the way you organized your website and all the pictures you had on it! It was fun learning about BV choir through your website too!

  9. Your pictures are absolutely lovely and I love the concise descriptions!
