Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27/2017- Infograph reflection

I really enjoyed making my infograph because i love to make creative and fun looking projects about topics i find interesting so with this infograph that was very possible! I could use infographs later down the road in a social studies class too compare some different views in life on a political or economic base!I used piktochart to design mine and it was very simple and easy to use! i wish they had more stickers or other things to offer though. The site itself though was easy to navigate and fun to use. Next time i would probably still use this site because i am familiar with it and know my way around it very well!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2/23/17 - infographics


  1. a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.
    "a good infographic is worth a thousand words"
  2. (google definitions)

The main purpose of an infograph is to present something using statistics, charts, pictures and few words about a desired topic. Using an infograph can help someone have a much clearer understanding of a topic through a visual representation. In class using an infograph would be very helpful if you needed to compare two important topics or make a very interesting and well thought out topic! i have used infographs a lot before in my world geography class last year to compare things like religions (seen below) and different types of problem and solutions on a chosen topic. Infographs are fun and super easy to make! the visual representation they give off really helps you understand more by giving you symbols to remember. They are simple to understand and i think are very impressive if they were shown to a teacher or peer! Infographs give you many features in which ou can design cool projects with! they allow you to have access to stickers, colors, many different fonts, and pictures. infographs have absolutly no limits and you can make them about anything! i reall enjoy using them and thy help me learn also!
made by me

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/17- canva vs lucid press

After using both Canva and Lucid, i would personally have to say that i prefer Canva. Canva is much easier to use and fits my personality better!

Canva has many more options for designs and i think the set up is much nicer! It has a lot of cool designs that are calming to look at and they meet my girly needs when it comes to how things appear. I would probably use Canva sometime in my life to create presentations or invitations. The only cons about it is that a good chunk of the cool designs cost money but i think buying them could be worth it, and i cant think of another con. Canva i think has more free features that i would be interested in.  

On the other hand i think that Lucid is cool and all but doesn't have near as many nice and pretty templates to design or go off of. it also costs money to do more than 3 pages which is kind of uncool:( I think it does offer some different layouts from canva though, that could better you if you were making a flyer or ad and the colors really pop!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2-16-17 My dream Business

My dream business would be to own a modeling agency and take pictures of people so they feel very beautiful! my company would offer cheap prices and a comforting welcome to all who want to be in my modeling agency! I would be able to get my models connected with all the big name brands like Vogue and Good House Keeping. My location would be in both New York and California because that's where all the magic happens. I would pay my models as much as they want because I will be a millionaire from my company;-).  

business card:

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/1/17 CANVA FUN

DREAMS by Carlie Sauntry
i might use this blog in my personal life to post to bring a positive aspect and outlook to my followers feed! I loe the pic in the background from my fligt to mexico!
Twitter Post – Untitled Design by Carlie Sauntry
I could use this to promote my healthy eating habits and inspire someone to go and eat some fruits instead of candy
bIRTHDAY FUN by Carlie Sauntry
i could use this canva to send invitations to my friends for my dog birthday! I love my dog a lot so I probably would actually do this someday

2/13/17 - sweetheart weekend

This weekend was loads of fun! On friday my best bud gabby and I spent all night doing things like going out and getting our nails done, fake tanning, doing face masks and getting our fav food Jimmy Johns 💖 We also did some thrift shopping! #veryfun! On Saturday i spent most of my day getting mentally and physically prepared for the dance and i was very excited!! I worked out in the morning then spent about 2 hours tanning out side (not a joke) and then i went and got my dates boutineer! Ali Carigan did my make up and i felt like a queen all night because of it! I had an oh so wonderful Friday night and on Sunday i layed around all day and really just enjoyed myself!! loved it all

 my friend kt and i
me after i cooked a masterpiece
My date and I at sweetheart

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/10/17- ET personal reflection and report card

Beginner's Challenge by Carlie Sauntry My emerging technology Grade right now is very good! I have managed to turn in all my assignments on time and got 100% on all of them except for one! For the one i got a 4/5 on i could go back and fix it and add a couple of sentences for more detail! I really enjoy this class and i like computers a lot and work well with them most of the time! I've learned a lot of new things already in this class and a lot more about new data bases and i have found new websites that can be very helpful in the future!

2/9/17- Blog post 2 Emerging Technologies

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/9/17- Kids These Days

"Kids! I don't know what's wrong with these kids today! Kids! Who can understand anything they say? Kids! They are so ridiculous and immature! I don't see why anybody wants 'em! Just you wait and see.. Kids! They are just impossible to control!Kids! With their awful clothes and their rock an' roll!(Another teenage delinquent)Why can't they be like you were,Perfect in every way? What's the matter with kids to-- Kids! What the devil's wrong with these kids today? Kids!Who could guess the they would turn out that way! Why can't they be like we were,Perfect in every way? What's the matter with kids? What's the matter with kids? What's the matter with kids today?" The song Kids from Bye Bye Birdie the musical couldn't of said it better. Kids are insane and off the charts. Someone take control over them!! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/6/27 collaborating remotely reflection
It was a little hard to work without talking face to face with my partner especially since i don't know my partner personally. I thought it was cool though that we have some stuff in common and that we could easily agree on a topic to work on. If i had to communicate with everyone this way i would probably hate it because to me its much easier to figure out things and plans face to face because then there are less confusions. I learned from this that i work much better communicating with others in person, but i really enjoyed this project and my work!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2/2/17- a day in the life of me pictures

This is me and my southwest friend at hoco. i love my SW friends

This is JC, Hunter and I at the state football game! We are super fans

Here you see me and my friends from my youth group at my church at a dodge ball tournament, we lost :(

This is my boyfriend, Sam and I on new years eve! #fun