Thursday, February 23, 2017

2/23/17 - infographics


  1. a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.
    "a good infographic is worth a thousand words"
  2. (google definitions)

The main purpose of an infograph is to present something using statistics, charts, pictures and few words about a desired topic. Using an infograph can help someone have a much clearer understanding of a topic through a visual representation. In class using an infograph would be very helpful if you needed to compare two important topics or make a very interesting and well thought out topic! i have used infographs a lot before in my world geography class last year to compare things like religions (seen below) and different types of problem and solutions on a chosen topic. Infographs are fun and super easy to make! the visual representation they give off really helps you understand more by giving you symbols to remember. They are simple to understand and i think are very impressive if they were shown to a teacher or peer! Infographs give you many features in which ou can design cool projects with! they allow you to have access to stickers, colors, many different fonts, and pictures. infographs have absolutly no limits and you can make them about anything! i reall enjoy using them and thy help me learn also!
made by me

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