Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27/2017- Infograph reflection

I really enjoyed making my infograph because i love to make creative and fun looking projects about topics i find interesting so with this infograph that was very possible! I could use infographs later down the road in a social studies class too compare some different views in life on a political or economic base!I used piktochart to design mine and it was very simple and easy to use! i wish they had more stickers or other things to offer though. The site itself though was easy to navigate and fun to use. Next time i would probably still use this site because i am familiar with it and know my way around it very well!


  1. Carlie, delicious color scheme and wonderful topic! I am so lucky to know a creative and fun girl like you ;))))

  2. I loved the quote you used at the beginning of your infographic! I loved the pale, yet vibrant color scheme you used; it really went well with your topic. Your diagram of the brain really helps viewers see how certain parts of the brain are impacted by music!

  3. Because you like to paint, I actually like to draw

  4. Your infor grahic is really well set u and looks really dope and fun to read. there a lot of pictures which ties together the infogrpahic

  5. I love your infographic! The topic is very interesting to learn about and you have a nice color scheme.

  6. Your innfographic is really good and has a lot of cool info that I didn't know about before.

  7. loved your inforaphic it was very neat and had a great layout i found that it drew me in and your topic was really interesting. i enjoyed reading and learning about music through your infographic

  8. This is awesome! It's such an interesting topic and you have lots of good information on it. I think that it was smart of you to break down each part of the brain and its function so that the viewer can understand how each part reacts to music. I think the only issue you have is that your infographic is kind of wordy. Try incorporating more pictures and fun graphs and cut down the number of words on it.
