Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13/17 - sweetheart weekend

This weekend was loads of fun! On friday my best bud gabby and I spent all night doing things like going out and getting our nails done, fake tanning, doing face masks and getting our fav food Jimmy Johns 💖 We also did some thrift shopping! #veryfun! On Saturday i spent most of my day getting mentally and physically prepared for the dance and i was very excited!! I worked out in the morning then spent about 2 hours tanning out side (not a joke) and then i went and got my dates boutineer! Ali Carigan did my make up and i felt like a queen all night because of it! I had an oh so wonderful Friday night and on Sunday i layed around all day and really just enjoyed myself!! loved it all

 my friend kt and i
me after i cooked a masterpiece
My date and I at sweetheart

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