Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31/17- Bracket Reflection

This project wasnt the worst thing ive ever had to do but it also wasnt the best and really frustrated me at some points. I will say i learned a lot and i found it kind of neat how i made that whole thing so i do feel pretty #accomplished! I have always made brackets for march madness and this is one of my favorite times of the year. I enjoy watching my picks play and win and even lose when i need them to! Its a very satisfying feeling to have your picks correct and its even more fun when i compete with my family and beat them with my choices:) This year my bracket was looking mighty fine until south Carolina decided to become a thing. I really haven't worked much with excel or sheets so i learned so much which will definitely be helpful in future classes i hope! overall i think the frustration was worth it! and Go heels!!!!

3/30/17 Netflix Suggestions

My all time favorite Netflix series is Friday Night Lights. Everything about it makes me happy because i am definitely a Texas girl and the show takes place is east Texas which is so cute in real life and in the show so i love it. The show is about a high school football team called the dillion panthers and throughout the seasons the team and the individuals on the teams face all sorts of ups and downs that will make you want to keep watching. Each character is very diverse from each other as far as how they treat people and what they are interested in but the one thing they do all have in common is how much they all love their team. The way they can all come together to watch games and be a family always amazes me and reminds me a lot of our school actually! I love the southern touch it has because it makes me feel very at home and happy! Friday Night Lights will make you fall in love with the characters from the moment you meet them and you wont ever want to let go of them. I say that mostly because I refused to watch the last episode of the show for about 4 weeks and cried my eyes out when i finally did watch it. Now every once in a while ill go back and rewatch my fav episodes and just enjoy it! This show is amazing i have 2 shirts that say stuff about Friday night lights on them, i highly suggest you watch it. It is life changing and will all in all make you a better person. "Clear eyes, Full hearts, CANT LOSE"

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/21/17- Spring Break

I had the best spring break ever! i made tons of fun memories with my friends and even went on a short vacay to Texas! I went to Texas with my parents and brought along my good friend Marlee to see all of my family. I ate so much fried food and drank a lot of sweet tea and i was SO happy! Whenever i am in Texas i feel at home so everything was perfect. We were outside a lot doing things like hammocking, tanning, shopping, riding the 4 wheeler, running, and just hanging out! We stayed at place called Links at Lands end which is a country club in Yantis, Texas and it was about 60-75 degrees every day!!!! In Sulper springs (a small town near Yantis) we went shopping and i absolutely fell in love with the cuteness of all the shops and restaurants all over again. The best part was the side walk sale they had outside of a small boutique where everything was $10. The best thing about going to Texas was getting to be with my family and my best friend and just hanging out and catching up. Im not sure if there is any better feeling than being surrounded by people you love and eating whataburger.
    When i got back home i spent all my time hanging out with my friends, watching March Madness, and tanning. Overall: perfect break


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/2/17- infographic peer feedback

i commented on 
alli c- i absolutely loved it! The colors were super cute and make the infograph fun to look at and appealing to the eye. She included lots of information on feminism like States who have the right to elect women congress and countries in which women are married at the age of only 18. I find it fascinating that alli is very passionate about this topic and the way she displayed that through her infograph is wonderful!
emilio y- wonderful graphics and i can tell he is really into sports and activitys that require physical activity! he did a wonderful job of displaying that!
lauren s- Lauren displayed her info very nice and her infograph was so interesting and i can tell she is interested in the gender divide because of the hard work she put into all her charts and graphs
lexi b- lexis infograph was unique and very pretty! i liked the topic she chose a lot and the wedding dressing were so appeling to look at and read about!! i loved the amount of girly-ness it had! super good job!
kenneth s- kenneth had a really cool infograph that had neat pictures and graphics! it gave a really nice visual representation of a good infograph and he made it very interesting to read!

I really enjoyed this project and i enjoyed doing it about something im really passionate about and interested in!