Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5/10/17 final exam blog post

my experience with office 360 and power point mix went very well! i felt like the whole process went by very smooth and i felt like i got the hang of things fairly quick! i enjoyed this project a lot because i love walking my dog so making this project made me very happy!! i also enjoyed the outcome of my project it came together very well and looks nice! Comparing power point mix to google slides id say that power point is a lot more fun to use because it offers sooooo many more features and is better quality. Google slides is good to use when you are doing a simple project that doesn't require a lot of fancy art work and is suppose to be left simple and clean. i would def use mix again in the future when i need to make a cool video project for class and im very glad this resource was shown to me!! 10/10!

what i enjoyed most about the class was the people in it and the mems i made! my fav project was def this mix project because i love my dog and anything i can do that involves my dog is so fun. I dont think you should change anything about the class it was very fun just the way it is!!!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17- website reflection

i really enjoyed this project! it made me appreciate my activity a little bit more and it made me happy! this was a very easy process to go through and i enjoyed the simplicity of making my own webpage! it made me feel very accomplished inside! if i ever had to make a website again i would definitely use weebly because its very simple and gives a lot of options when creating. I really liked the option of being able to insert my pictures because they all fit in very nice and clean to make my website look very put together. i think you can take your website in a lot of different directions which is super awesome. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

4/26/17- My website

No i have never created a website before! For this project i have selected weebly to use because it seems like a very friendly nice web site that will be very easy to use! I think i will make my website about choir! in choir i participate in classy ladies, choir and the musical and i love it a lot! Ill talk about what we do and upcoming events and how much fun it is! Choir is the one of the main activity's i par take in and it takes up a very significant amount of my time so of course my website will be about that.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18/17- New Technology Current Event

4/18/17 App presentation reviews

I actually really enjoyed this project a lot! I found it super interesting to hear about other peoples apps but also learn more about one of my own favorite apps! I really liked putting together my power point for this project since i used both picktochart and google slides! i felt like it looked really nice when i presented it so that was super cool! I gained a lot of knowledge about some new apps i have never heard of and even went to download a few of them and try them out. All in all i feel like this project was super beneficial and i got some good info from it.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

4/13/17- online class survey

4/13/17- online forms and surveys

I have never created my own google form before but i have knowledge of what they are! I have used google forms before but only in school. I have heard about it and seen teachers use it to give surveys in classes to get feed back on assignments, set up group projects, or even give "get to know you surveys" at the start of the year. other than google forms i have not been exposed to any other surveying online tools that i can think of!

Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31/17- Bracket Reflection

This project wasnt the worst thing ive ever had to do but it also wasnt the best and really frustrated me at some points. I will say i learned a lot and i found it kind of neat how i made that whole thing so i do feel pretty #accomplished! I have always made brackets for march madness and this is one of my favorite times of the year. I enjoy watching my picks play and win and even lose when i need them to! Its a very satisfying feeling to have your picks correct and its even more fun when i compete with my family and beat them with my choices:) This year my bracket was looking mighty fine until south Carolina decided to become a thing. I really haven't worked much with excel or sheets so i learned so much which will definitely be helpful in future classes i hope! overall i think the frustration was worth it! and Go heels!!!!

3/30/17 Netflix Suggestions

My all time favorite Netflix series is Friday Night Lights. Everything about it makes me happy because i am definitely a Texas girl and the show takes place is east Texas which is so cute in real life and in the show so i love it. The show is about a high school football team called the dillion panthers and throughout the seasons the team and the individuals on the teams face all sorts of ups and downs that will make you want to keep watching. Each character is very diverse from each other as far as how they treat people and what they are interested in but the one thing they do all have in common is how much they all love their team. The way they can all come together to watch games and be a family always amazes me and reminds me a lot of our school actually! I love the southern touch it has because it makes me feel very at home and happy! Friday Night Lights will make you fall in love with the characters from the moment you meet them and you wont ever want to let go of them. I say that mostly because I refused to watch the last episode of the show for about 4 weeks and cried my eyes out when i finally did watch it. Now every once in a while ill go back and rewatch my fav episodes and just enjoy it! This show is amazing i have 2 shirts that say stuff about Friday night lights on them, i highly suggest you watch it. It is life changing and will all in all make you a better person. "Clear eyes, Full hearts, CANT LOSE"

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/21/17- Spring Break

I had the best spring break ever! i made tons of fun memories with my friends and even went on a short vacay to Texas! I went to Texas with my parents and brought along my good friend Marlee to see all of my family. I ate so much fried food and drank a lot of sweet tea and i was SO happy! Whenever i am in Texas i feel at home so everything was perfect. We were outside a lot doing things like hammocking, tanning, shopping, riding the 4 wheeler, running, and just hanging out! We stayed at place called Links at Lands end which is a country club in Yantis, Texas and it was about 60-75 degrees every day!!!! In Sulper springs (a small town near Yantis) we went shopping and i absolutely fell in love with the cuteness of all the shops and restaurants all over again. The best part was the side walk sale they had outside of a small boutique where everything was $10. The best thing about going to Texas was getting to be with my family and my best friend and just hanging out and catching up. Im not sure if there is any better feeling than being surrounded by people you love and eating whataburger.
    When i got back home i spent all my time hanging out with my friends, watching March Madness, and tanning. Overall: perfect break


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/2/17- infographic peer feedback

i commented on 
alli c- i absolutely loved it! The colors were super cute and make the infograph fun to look at and appealing to the eye. She included lots of information on feminism like States who have the right to elect women congress and countries in which women are married at the age of only 18. I find it fascinating that alli is very passionate about this topic and the way she displayed that through her infograph is wonderful!
emilio y- wonderful graphics and i can tell he is really into sports and activitys that require physical activity! he did a wonderful job of displaying that!
lauren s- Lauren displayed her info very nice and her infograph was so interesting and i can tell she is interested in the gender divide because of the hard work she put into all her charts and graphs
lexi b- lexis infograph was unique and very pretty! i liked the topic she chose a lot and the wedding dressing were so appeling to look at and read about!! i loved the amount of girly-ness it had! super good job!
kenneth s- kenneth had a really cool infograph that had neat pictures and graphics! it gave a really nice visual representation of a good infograph and he made it very interesting to read!

I really enjoyed this project and i enjoyed doing it about something im really passionate about and interested in!

Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27/2017- Infograph reflection

I really enjoyed making my infograph because i love to make creative and fun looking projects about topics i find interesting so with this infograph that was very possible! I could use infographs later down the road in a social studies class too compare some different views in life on a political or economic base!I used piktochart to design mine and it was very simple and easy to use! i wish they had more stickers or other things to offer though. The site itself though was easy to navigate and fun to use. Next time i would probably still use this site because i am familiar with it and know my way around it very well!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2/23/17 - infographics


  1. a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.
    "a good infographic is worth a thousand words"
  2. (google definitions)

The main purpose of an infograph is to present something using statistics, charts, pictures and few words about a desired topic. Using an infograph can help someone have a much clearer understanding of a topic through a visual representation. In class using an infograph would be very helpful if you needed to compare two important topics or make a very interesting and well thought out topic! i have used infographs a lot before in my world geography class last year to compare things like religions (seen below) and different types of problem and solutions on a chosen topic. Infographs are fun and super easy to make! the visual representation they give off really helps you understand more by giving you symbols to remember. They are simple to understand and i think are very impressive if they were shown to a teacher or peer! Infographs give you many features in which ou can design cool projects with! they allow you to have access to stickers, colors, many different fonts, and pictures. infographs have absolutly no limits and you can make them about anything! i reall enjoy using them and thy help me learn also!
made by me

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/17- canva vs lucid press

After using both Canva and Lucid, i would personally have to say that i prefer Canva. Canva is much easier to use and fits my personality better!

Canva has many more options for designs and i think the set up is much nicer! It has a lot of cool designs that are calming to look at and they meet my girly needs when it comes to how things appear. I would probably use Canva sometime in my life to create presentations or invitations. The only cons about it is that a good chunk of the cool designs cost money but i think buying them could be worth it, and i cant think of another con. Canva i think has more free features that i would be interested in.  

On the other hand i think that Lucid is cool and all but doesn't have near as many nice and pretty templates to design or go off of. it also costs money to do more than 3 pages which is kind of uncool:( I think it does offer some different layouts from canva though, that could better you if you were making a flyer or ad and the colors really pop!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2-16-17 My dream Business

My dream business would be to own a modeling agency and take pictures of people so they feel very beautiful! my company would offer cheap prices and a comforting welcome to all who want to be in my modeling agency! I would be able to get my models connected with all the big name brands like Vogue and Good House Keeping. My location would be in both New York and California because that's where all the magic happens. I would pay my models as much as they want because I will be a millionaire from my company;-).  

business card:

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/1/17 CANVA FUN

DREAMS by Carlie Sauntry
i might use this blog in my personal life to post to bring a positive aspect and outlook to my followers feed! I loe the pic in the background from my fligt to mexico!
Twitter Post – Untitled Design by Carlie Sauntry
I could use this to promote my healthy eating habits and inspire someone to go and eat some fruits instead of candy
bIRTHDAY FUN by Carlie Sauntry
i could use this canva to send invitations to my friends for my dog birthday! I love my dog a lot so I probably would actually do this someday

2/13/17 - sweetheart weekend

This weekend was loads of fun! On friday my best bud gabby and I spent all night doing things like going out and getting our nails done, fake tanning, doing face masks and getting our fav food Jimmy Johns 💖 We also did some thrift shopping! #veryfun! On Saturday i spent most of my day getting mentally and physically prepared for the dance and i was very excited!! I worked out in the morning then spent about 2 hours tanning out side (not a joke) and then i went and got my dates boutineer! Ali Carigan did my make up and i felt like a queen all night because of it! I had an oh so wonderful Friday night and on Sunday i layed around all day and really just enjoyed myself!! loved it all

 my friend kt and i
me after i cooked a masterpiece
My date and I at sweetheart

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/10/17- ET personal reflection and report card

Beginner's Challenge by Carlie Sauntry My emerging technology Grade right now is very good! I have managed to turn in all my assignments on time and got 100% on all of them except for one! For the one i got a 4/5 on i could go back and fix it and add a couple of sentences for more detail! I really enjoy this class and i like computers a lot and work well with them most of the time! I've learned a lot of new things already in this class and a lot more about new data bases and i have found new websites that can be very helpful in the future!

2/9/17- Blog post 2 Emerging Technologies

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/9/17- Kids These Days

"Kids! I don't know what's wrong with these kids today! Kids! Who can understand anything they say? Kids! They are so ridiculous and immature! I don't see why anybody wants 'em! Just you wait and see.. Kids! They are just impossible to control!Kids! With their awful clothes and their rock an' roll!(Another teenage delinquent)Why can't they be like you were,Perfect in every way? What's the matter with kids to-- Kids! What the devil's wrong with these kids today? Kids!Who could guess the they would turn out that way! Why can't they be like we were,Perfect in every way? What's the matter with kids? What's the matter with kids? What's the matter with kids today?" The song Kids from Bye Bye Birdie the musical couldn't of said it better. Kids are insane and off the charts. Someone take control over them!! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/6/27 collaborating remotely reflection
It was a little hard to work without talking face to face with my partner especially since i don't know my partner personally. I thought it was cool though that we have some stuff in common and that we could easily agree on a topic to work on. If i had to communicate with everyone this way i would probably hate it because to me its much easier to figure out things and plans face to face because then there are less confusions. I learned from this that i work much better communicating with others in person, but i really enjoyed this project and my work!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2/2/17- a day in the life of me pictures

This is me and my southwest friend at hoco. i love my SW friends

This is JC, Hunter and I at the state football game! We are super fans

Here you see me and my friends from my youth group at my church at a dodge ball tournament, we lost :(

This is my boyfriend, Sam and I on new years eve! #fun 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/30/17 Ted Talk- Technology

I would say i agree with this tedtalk. it was very true and i believe that our generation has become slightly disconnected with reality because of technology. I love technology and social media and the way i can connect with my friends and others but i think its important to know your limits and interact with the real world a lot more than the cyber world. To know people and go outside and enjoy nature is so important but now with technology you can literally do any of that on the phone or computer and i think that is very bad. GO OUTSIDE AND SMELL THE ROSES

1-31-17 Words for a teenager

I think this is a bit harsh. I agree with some of this and reading the beginning makes me feel motivated and really want to go out and create my own fun! I think that Its important to know you are in control of the way you feel and your actions, but i feel like the man who wrote this is kind of mean and it hurt my feelings when he called me (the reader) a cry baby. I do agree that us as humans are very important and need to remember that we all are needed:)

Friday, January 27, 2017

1/26/17- social bookmarking current event

Social Bookmarking hacked

I would say I do have different view in social bookmarking now because I really know what it is now and I have seen the positive and negative sides of it! It can help you a lot as far as marking your recently visited sites and share your favorite pages with your friends. On the down side though it can also be really unreliable as far as what sites your visiting and who is posting and sharing it with you because sometimes people can post a lot of false information. I do think social bookmarking is very helpful if you choose to use it with the right purpose. I think that I am going to start using chrome on my computer at home to bookmark my favorite sites and make folders for school, shopping, and other important things to my everyday life to make my electronic life a little bit easier.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/26/17- Chrome vs Symbaloo

Throughout my long experience with bookmarking and symbaloo, i think that i prefer to use bookmarking because i personally dont use that many different sites. So just having the 4 or 5 main sites i use at the top of my browser is very helpful! If you are a person who uses multiple sites everyday then i think that symbaloo would benefit you much more!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

1/23/2017- alphabetical advice

A- Always be yourself
B- Be beautiful
C- Cuddle with people you love
D- Donuts are always good for you!
E- Everyone loves people who smile!!
F- Forget the haters
G- Grocery shop with your mom then & now!
H- Hug people randomly 
I- Ignore mean people
J- Juggling is hard, its okay if you can't
K- Kindness is Key
L- Loving EVERYONE is important 
M- Mac n cheese makes 4 a happy tummy
N- Never say never
O- Overuse i love you:-)
P- Popcorn is a great snack
Q- Quilts are fun to make w grandma
R- Running can help you be fit
S- Start smiling more
T- Talk to your friends 4 a good laugh
U- Use kind words
V- Violins make a beautiful sound
W- Willingly accept compliments
X- 'X'ert your energy 
Y- You matter!!!! (Solid liquid gas)
Z- Ziplining is a hobby u could try

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/24/2017 social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a tool used for computer users to be able to save an often visited page for easy access. Its a perfect way to store and organize important websites that you will need to go back to. On my Mac laptop at home, it bookmarks all my frequently visited sites so I can get to them very easy! It bookmarks pages like Netflix, Soundcloud, Youtube, google drive and the blue valley high home page. I use Instagram as my main social bookmarking website usually on the daily. I really enjoy sharing my photos and videos with my friends and have a lot of fun doing it! I learned about all the social bookmarking tools i use through friends and family when i was younger and have adapted to it very well! I think social bookmarking is cool.😌

Thursday, January 19, 2017

1/17/2017 - Prezi Reflection

After using both Prezi and Powerpoint I would definitely have to say that i prefer to use the traditional Power point. I personally think that Powerpoint is much more simple to use because most of our generation has grown up learning how to use Powerpoint as a primary way to present things in our schooling environment. I think that Prezi is great for presentations like "All about me" or something fun but Power points are much better and more efficient for learning and teaching lessons because they are simple and easy to follow with out becoming distracted on making it look cool. I think that next time I create a presentation I will use power point because I am more comfortable with it and know all the ins and outs with powerpoint. I think for me, that powerpoint is the much easier and safer route to take!

Prezi - Carlies Life